Industrial RO Plant Manufacturer in Ghaziabad
Ghaziabad has seen remarkable growth in recent decades. The city expanded under the shadow of the National Capital as a result of the housing boom, as well as the expansion of industry and employment creation. However, tremendous progress has come at a cost, and the country is now facing a significant water shortage.
Another important issue that the city is dealing with is Water pollution. Groundwater in some regions is deemed unfit for human consumption. Residents in the Raj Nagar and Khoda areas claim that the groundwater is tainted with Hexavalent Chromium, a carcinogen. According to many studies, groundwater in many Ghaziabad blocks is polluted with arsenic and fluoride and is unsafe to drink.
Shortage of Pure Water in Ghaziabad
The waterworks department performed a survey on the state of water supply, and it was discovered that we are unable to satisfy water demand in 63 of the total 100 wards. The total water shortfall in these wards is anticipated to be more than 107 MLD. It affects around 3.5 lakh households and businesses. More people were reliant on groundwater owing to a lack of water supplies.
Major Sectors of Wastewater in Ghaziabad
The three primary wastewater sectors are:
- Domestic,
- Industrial, and
- Agricultural
Water from home activities is included in domestic wastewater. Food, chemical, paper and pulp, nuclear and thermal power, laundry, medicines, mining, iron and steel, and other industries produce industrial wastewater. These wastewaters have a high concentration of organic and inorganic compounds. However, excessive discharge of such nutrients into water produces an increase in minerals and nutrients in water bodies, resulting in excessive development of plants and algae, which leads to oxygen depletion in water bodies and, therefore, eutrophication. This wastewater can be reclaimed if it is properly processed by eliminating the various impurities.
Industrial Treatment of wastewater
Industrial wastewater treatment refers to the procedures and processes that are used to remediate waters that have been polluted in some manner by anthropogenic industrial or commercial operations before they are released into the environment or reused.

How is Industrial Reverse Osmosis helping the sector?
Reverse osmosis is an effective and established process for producing water suited for various industrial uses that require demineralized or deionized water. Further treatments can enhance the quality of the RO permeate and make it more suitable for the most demanding applications. Proper pre-treatment and maintenance of the RO system are critical for avoiding costly repairs and unplanned maintenance. With the proper system design, maintenance program, and knowledgeable service support, your RO system should offer numerous years of high purity water.

Our Industrial RO Plants have wide range of applications
- Industries use our reverse osmosis systems as one of the water purification procedures. It is typically used as the ultimate step for eliminating chemical, microbiological, and dissolved contaminants and is used in tertiary water treatment.
- Industrial wastewater is pre-treated using our reverse osmosis (RO) systems before disposal.
- It also aids in desalination while also reducing chemical and bacterial pollution.
- Industrial boilers are sensitive to hard water. The use of hard water at high temperatures produces scaling, thermal transfer defects, greater downtime for cleaning, and a reduction in the boiler vessel's life cycle. As a result, only softened water should be supplied to and fed into the boiler system. Industries such as mechanical, chemical, pharmaceutical, and lumber/pulp use our reverse osmosis systems for pre-boiling water treatment to attain this purpose.
- Salt-free water is frequently required in industrial production, equipment cleaning, and even commercial applications such as vehicle washing, surface rinsing, and so on. Otherwise, the presence of chemicals or magnesium and calcium salts in hard water promotes scaling, hard surface patches, and even surface bleaching. As a result, rinse water is cleaned using our reverse osmosis systems to prevent equipment damage and extend the product's longevity.
Netsol Water have the best solutions for all your problems. Our technicians are well trained which will help you out in finding the best solution/technology for your industrial water problem. Your problem is our problem; therefore, we will first inspect your premises and prepare the report. As per the identified problems, we provide the best treatment. We can also customize as per our customer’s needs at affordable prices. Our systems are completely automated and semi-automated.
For more information or product purchase related query, contact us on +91 9650608473 or drop an email at